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 Guidance for future tank research, requested

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Guidance for future tank research, requested Empty
PostSubject: Guidance for future tank research, requested   Guidance for future tank research, requested I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2015 2:31 am

Hey guy. So I'm a relatively new player, to the clan and the game. I'm a bit shy of 2k matches. As a military history buff, and retired real life tanker, I have a natural obsession with German tanks and started out heavily in their tiers. I'm now realizing that the game doesn't necessarily parallel real life tank performance, and I have wasted a ton of time and XP on tanks that aren't very good. Anyway, I'm going to lay out where I'm out with my tech trees, and hopefully get some good feedback on where to go next. I really like using heavy tank brawlers that can engage in close quarters and soak up damage, bounce shots, and dish out high damage. I do the best I think, with the KV-220. I'm specifically seeking suggestions in where to focus future efforts in regards to Tier 8 and Tier 10 clan activitie, because I feel like I've wasted a ton of hours worth of XP so far.

Anyway, here we go...

Light: T37
Medium: M4A3E2
Heavy: T1 Heavy
TD: Hellcat
SPG: n/a

Light: n/a
Medium: Cromwell
Heavy: n/a
TD: n/a
SPG: n/a

Light: VK 28.01
Medium: VK 20.01 D , VK 30.01 P
Heavy: Tiger 2
TD: Stug III G, Pz. Sfl. IVc
SPG: Grille

Light: n/a
Medium: n/a
Heavy: T-150 , KV-1S
TD: n/a
SPG: n/a
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Guidance for future tank research, requested Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guidance for future tank research, requested   Guidance for future tank research, requested I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2015 3:58 pm

well as far as competitive tanking goes (and i badly need to update both this website and the wanted tank listing)

Tier 6:

Tier 8:
IS-3 or 110 (preferred)
Charioteer (preferred)
Ru-251 (preferred)

Tier 10
IS-7 (preferred)
T-110E5 (preferred)
Foch (preferred)
Bat-Chat-Medium (preferred)

Please Note: We mostly do Tier 6s ATM, Starting on 8s, Eventually 10s

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Guidance for future tank research, requested Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guidance for future tank research, requested   Guidance for future tank research, requested I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2015 6:18 pm

Thanks man. Looks like I'll be the most likely to fo for IS-3, then E100, then IS-7. Or something like that. But thanks for the list.
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Guidance for future tank research, requested Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guidance for future tank research, requested   Guidance for future tank research, requested I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2015 2:59 pm

Surprised Cheesedick actually got back to you so quick, the META tanks he loves are what he listed, He likes the Idea of the IS7 because most peeps have farmed the IS3 and gotten used to it so it's an easy step up the ladder to the IS7 plus crews can be moved up/ farmed easier. I like this logic as well. Not sure if Cheese knows you're an uber farmer and can bang out tanks at an extraordinary rate, mebbe if you catch him during some of his down time ask him for a mission. He'll send you out to grind some really ignorant sumabitch and get your feed back on whether the grind is worth the tank. I do that often, it's something to break up the monotony of same shit different pile, day in day out kinda stuff grinding crews. If you want a decent challenge that culminates in a pretty good tier 8 the chinaman grind to the 110 is quite tough but fair enough that you don't smash your monitor. Course it's pretty much the same difference as the IS3, better armour but less pop. Get 'er parked in a good spot tho and peeps have a hard time moving it. Charioteer has a few really ignorant Tanks to play thru, but I already know you have no prob burning free exp, and the Cheerio while I suck at it , is wicked fun some times,
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Guidance for future tank research, requested Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guidance for future tank research, requested   Guidance for future tank research, requested I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2015 4:11 pm

Cool man. I'm down to experiment on vehicles and stuff.
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Guidance for future tank research, requested Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guidance for future tank research, requested   Guidance for future tank research, requested I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 08, 2015 9:27 pm

IS-3 is now maxed out, and crew coming along nicely.

I'm going to steadily work towards Charioteer, Pershing, and RU simultaneously, as I'm two vehicles away from each, currently.
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Guidance for future tank research, requested Empty
PostSubject: Re: Guidance for future tank research, requested   Guidance for future tank research, requested I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 16, 2015 7:16 pm

5,6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 tanks I have for platooning with anyone who needs help grinding crews or tanks.

M24 Chaffee, VK 16.02 Leopard, Pz.Kpfw Ausf. H, VK 30.01 H, StuG IV, KV-1S, KV-220

VK 36.01 H, M18 Hellcat, Cromwell, FV304, T34-85, T-150, Type 64, Heavy Tank No. VI

G.W. Panther, M41 Walker Bulldog, T29

Charioteer, M26 Pershing, IS-3, KV-4, RU-251, STA-2, T26e4 Super Pershing, Lowe, IS-6, WZ-111,FCM 50 t,

FV4004 Conway

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PostSubject: Re: Guidance for future tank research, requested   Guidance for future tank research, requested I_icon_minitime

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